My Portfolio

Showcasing my projects and abilities

Sherry Low Chang

I am a Data Professional who is passionate about using data-driven insights to drive growth and success.
Proficient in SQL, Excel, Python, Tableau, HTML, CSS, Javascript, C

Couponomics: Identifying Client Profiles that are Responsive to Coupon Marketing

Tools: SQL, Python, XGBoost and Tableau
This project was created to showcase the ablitily to uncover trends from a complex anonymized Kaggle dataset that consists of more than 1.3 million rows of data and a relational database of six tables. The main objective of the analysis was to identify demographic features of target populations for the business, in order to increase brand awareness and customer loyalty by promoting with coupons.

Simply Music
Revenue & Profit

Dashboard for Simply Music

Tools: Tableau
Created an interactive dashboard to explore Revenue and Profit of Simply Music Stores. On the initial page we will see Revenue, Profit and units sold broken down by month and by locations. Then I included drilled down charts in which by clicking on the + signs located at the columns, the charts will expand giving a more detailed view of the products. Finally in the last tab, I created a map that showcases the locations with most purchases

Web App: SkinMatch

Tools: SQL, Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript.
SQLite was used to construct a relational database with interlinked tables to store user information, product details, user-uploaded pictures, and other critical data for the website’s efficient operation. Throughout the code of the website, queries are used to retrive information from the database using SQL commands. You can find the most important code in

E-Commerce Simulator
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Tools: Python
This application was designed with python to simulate an e-commerce. We can add funds to the account, see account balance, add products to the cart, view shopping cart, and checkout shopping cart using this application.
Let's Go Shopping allows users to interact with the application in a user-friendly way by allowing users to navigate the main menu making selections of their choice.